This is the official 12deadgators homepage.
Where nothing happens....
Become a GOD here! (also has good comic art)
Demesne Of Rob Kopp: Gallery of
recent art and resume

Domain of Lazarus: Gallery of manga pages for Ahlea published by Radio Comix

Hyper Pocket Universe: Some of my normal and
wierd graphics
Founder Of The Empire of The Mind
Notice the active scan we have performed on this prominent politician. The sub-dermal uplink antennae on his forehead (or we assume it is a forehead) is especially prominent, and it is surmised that we can never be sure who is controlling whom. Is it controlled by our subconcious, or are we controlled by it's synaptic reflex (so call it awareness)? Is it a manifestation of our society mind? The somewhat educated mob rule? The answers to life are printed on the side of my Clorox bottle.
Sometimes I feel like an inferno. And sometimes I feel like a stone.

Some personal links cause I'm the only one that uses this page anyway
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creation by A cork of madness floating in the sea of sanctioned data
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