Ariana's Journal

Cyberian Silhouettes

The Personal Diary of Ariana Evers

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."
-Mahatma Gandhi
ICQ: 17706024
Too shy to email? Leave an anonymous message, for my eyes only, here: Answering Machine

Caution: this journal contains adult material dealing with real-life situations that some may find objectionable. Proceed at your own risk.
Introduction Dedication Goddess Notify Chronicles Silhouettes Wall Awards Resources A Question Responses

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Additional warning for survivors of childhood sexual abuse: some of the material in this journal may be triggering. As I have time to go back through and figure out which entries may be problematic I'll itemize them here, but this list will probably always be incomplete, so please proceed carefully.

Best viewed using Netscape 4.x or Microsoft Explorer 4.x.

Copyright © 1998.

Site updated: 11/15/98