As I was writing it, I couldn't help but envision the characters, and I could very easily see members of the Cassidy family playing several of the roles. How about David as the villain, the demon Nicodemus Castevet? Once I saw David's villain in "The Flash", I knew he'd make a great Castevet! There's also a small role for Shirley Jones in a flashback sequence, as Wish's grandmother, Mrs Louise DeCharante. Ryan would be great as Rain, and he could design the sets, too! Patrick could make Razor a very funny character. And Shaun could produce the whole thing, as well as play the ghost Shaun. Even Susan Diol-Cassidy could have a hand in it, if she's interested in writing the screenplay.
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and discuss your thoughts about the project on the Wish of Pentacles Mailing List. If we can get enough exposure for the novel, we might actually get Shaun to notice, and there'll be a chance of this becoming a reality: a Cassidy family project!
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