body{cursor:url("") !important;}> paintings flash animations the art yuccas drawings

if Flash ain't workin' try this: THIS

paintings animations yuccas drawings flash animations
Cartoon by Stuart Rapeport, Chicken Boy is Back
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Stuart Rapeport
Los Angeles Garment & Citizen
Jun 29, 2006
1. curiosty killed the cat, 2. divide and conquer, 3.there's more then one way to skin a cat,4.stay focused, 5. get the big picture, 6. don't bite off more than you can chew, 7.the bigger they are the harder they fall, 8.can't we all just get along, 9. the stranger
Spiral Yucca- These pieces were allowed to weather, dry, crack, rot and finally fall apart, . Inspired by nature and failed control, combining the languages of art and nature to reflect the transient and fragile qualities..