Welcome to my Home Page! Sit back, relax, and take a look inside my world! There is a little bit of something for everyone. Don't be afraid; come on in, you may just learn something. If you see something you like feel free to send me an email or just drop me a line in My Guestbook.

This is the place to find out everything you ever wanted to know about ME!
The inner workings of my mind! It's a scary place, BEWARE!!!

Great literary feats?
You'll find none of that in this section. The only thing you will see here are a few thoughts from my youth
that happened to find their way to paper!
I started writing again in my mid 20's!
If you would like to see the kind of things that
were streaming through my head then, come on in!
what can I say about this man that he hasn't already shared with us so far? Come take a peek into Rob's mind! I assure that it is worth a look!

A Memorial to Rosalia.
My boss, my teacher, my FRIEND.
Rosalia died as a result to a 3-car accident on January 25, 1999. She is missed.

A link to fabulous Links!
Come in and watch my favorite video by Muse.
Boyfriend Application
Do you want to be my boyfriend? Do you have what it takes? Fill out this application and see.
You are visitor number
since January 20, 2002.

This site was created April 5, 1997
The background and graphics used on this page are provided and copyrighted by Point of Focus Visit today!