PLEASE BE PATIENT UNTIL FULLY LOADED, THEN WIDEN WINDOW TO AT LEAST THE END OF THIS SENTENCE OR MORE. I DO hope you enjoy my pages and IF you should be inclined to email me, feel free to do so.
I have been instructed to UPDATE my pages a bit more frequently considering it's now the END of summer and I haven't touched these pages. Anyway, a few pictures above to sort of show what kind of a frenzy things have been. I KNOW I have tons of work to do on these sites, and will probably be working on them later this evening. I PROMISE!!!!
Considering my attempt at a moving slide show of some of my favorite paintings doesn't seem to be working, here are just a few links to them, but DON'T forget to come back to this page!
I KNOW this page takes awhile to load - especially if it's a slow modem connection, but PLEASE try to wait for the site, because I think you'll like it!
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WOW! Look at all of these hits!!!
Well, after quite a bit of soul searching, I've decided I'm going to stick around The City for awhile - may be entertaining the idea of relocating to Seattle (brother and sister-in-law keep nagging me to do so!), but I'm not really in mood for packing up and moving 3,000 miles away just yet. Besides, Disco and Pixel just wouldn't approve. They like watching the pigeons too much. Do they even HAVE pigeons in Seattle? Of course, seeing as how my life seems to change week by week, I just may end up finishing all these updates in San Francisco or Seattle or some such nonsense, because, hey, you never know...
Check out my movie page
And I moved my books to here. I just became an affiliate member of, so if you order any of the books I've listed on my page, I get a few kick-backs, so feel free to order as many books as you like!!!
Interested in my tastes in music? And, as with, I became an affiliate member with Music Boulevard (which now is partnered up with CDNow), so I DEEPLY encourage you to order any of the CDs featured on my music page if they seem to be to your liking, or even if you're just a wee bit curious. Great prices and they come right to your door!!! (Gee, what a sales pitch!)
LOOK! New places that you might also find of interest:
Thanks for coming!!
And don't forget to email me!