Hello, I'm Baykush.

Welcome to this page. It's my first Web page -- and I hope it will spawn others over the months.

My interests are languages, poetry, birds, the Tao, some crafts (raku), email, computers/internet and you name it (like drinking beer in a pub with friends). Drop me a line anytime! If you need any SPANISH to ENGLISH translations done, email me and we'll make a deal!

As time goes by, I'll put in some links to pages I like...For instance, here a link to the site of a friend mine,
a birding friend
This is a link to Jim Masters who has an award-winning site on the Turkish language.
a Turkish language friend

And here's a little poetry to set the tone of the rest of the site -- at least the tone for today...


(Manoulis from an Ikon)

Sea memory
stubborn blue,
below our steps
sea anemones black
and bloom our tenderness
a summer-leaved past
and we dove
from our rocks
and farther out
from his boat
a fisherman said
'look out:
and sharks this morning' so
we climbed
to sit
to smoke
to watch sailing by
our breath.
Yes and church bells
this Corfu afternoon:
the sky blue
the olives green
and gray
the sea in
One bathing
suit for two, one towel
one smoke one beer
one bed.
One Corfu
noon. -Corfu, Greece RT 1963

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