I'm sorry to differ with you, sir. But you are the caretaker. You've always been the caretaker. I should know, sir. I've always been here.

handmade by machine since 1997...

Oi! I'm engaged MARRIED! (one more photo...)

sun tattoo || intel tattoo
love will tear us apart

but first, have a glance @ my clip-art cartoons:
"Lasers are everywhere" (7.14.00)
"Valley of Death" (7.17.00)
"Functional Foods" (7.19.00)
and one poem: _[]_ (Phage)

... but I always drink plenty of... Malk??
see a photo of me || photo of me
photo of me || photo of me from todd's site
|| drawing for the loo @ joohee's restaurant

1997-2007 gabriel meister. some rights reserved... guess which ones?