Dear NoxNet Visitors:
The site has been newly reinvigorated! The underlying implication of any double positive that newly re-anythings anything is that, of course, there have been previous reincarnations management thought would lock up the audience once and for all -- like the Batman franchise, desperate primetime versions of once-loved daytime gameshows, or Bryant Gumbel. Fine, you're right. This is true. We've done things in the past to spruce. But now we've upped the ante a smidge -- one could call this sprucing... Spruce Wayne.
Here at NoxNet, ladies and germs, we have our finger on the pulse of entertainment, pop-culture, and Mr. Equinox's every whim website. These things constantly change and improve -- flux! Flux is a word that comes to mind. We here at NoxNet have outdone the flux.
Imagine, if you will, a butterfly opting to get back into the cocoon and then, two weeks later, emerging as a kitten! Now, imagine that kitten could speak...French!... In Verse!
That, folks, is what has happened. Consider this the web's speaking kitten. The Voltaire kitten. And this kitten, though proud, and orating in pentameter, watches Gossip Girl... And hey, upper east sider, it has no prob telling you what it thought about that nameless duo caught smooching behind the field-hockey shack...xoxo.
Peruse (which we all know from our SAT prep courses means "read thoroughly") the film, television, and music sections. Get hooked.
Soon, we'll have the whole thing under control.
M. McCue & Seb Equinox
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 | FILM: In the wonderful world of EquinoxFilm, enjoy the works of famed film directors Stephen Spielberg(o), Robert Altman, Woody Allen, Toddy Haynes, David Lynch, and others. Also, peruse the McCue DVDlibrary, read a sample of his reviews, and read up on McCue's current work in pursuit of his MFA at Columbia University's School of the Arts. Finally, learn why McCue believes DreamWorks will grow to become the most powerful company in the world even if currently owned by Paramount... and whether or not that's a good thing (of course it's good!). |
TELEVISION: McCue has been paying much attention to television. The glories of the all new CW (how long will it remain "all new" by the way?), Bravo, AMC, HBO, Showtime... and of course, McCue's psychotic adherence to all members of the NBC news family and the wonder that is "30 Rock." Hear McCue and Equinox's views on the newscaster shuffle, the biases of the anchors (and why we enjoy them). Damn, this has been an exciting year. |
 | MUSIC: Frequenters of the EquninoxMusic page only better serve to edify themselves into the kind of creatures David Bowie predicted we'd all become: "Homo-Superiors." Currently focussing on the music of David Bowie and the Gershwinian Bad-Boy himself, RUFUS WAINWRIGHT (pictured left). Hear why McCue and Equinox have their sites trained on Rufus, following him around the continent, as this new, meth-free version becomes America's loudest gay rights pundit -- who still sings one hell of a tune. The scope will expand to include Film Scores: Bacalov, Burwell, Dallwitz, Elfman, Horner, Newman, Newman, Newman, Ny-man, Shore, Williams, Yared and it will also include down home Rock 'N' Roll: Kinks, Stones, Smiths, Duran Duran, Frampton (that's right, I said FRAMPTON!), George Michael, Blondie, and even... if time permits... "Zeppelin" and "Floyd." |
BOOKS: Time and a lack of gripping published work has shifted Messers McCue and Equinox' attention from Messers Vonnegut and Irving. Obviously, KV Jr. has passed... a blow, a palpable blow. And, of course, it seems Mr. Irving may have plum run out of ideas. But there is always hope. Thus Messer McCue and Equinox will, of course, continue to love these men as some love Trolloppe (whom I mention solely because the photo* was taken outside his house (*=source withheld)). In the EquinoxBook section, fans of NoxNet will not only be able to read reviews by Matthew J. McCue and staff, but you will be able to trace the growth of this burgeoning artist ("e" withheld) and know first hand what it is he has "borrowed" from those men (primarily) that have been an influence on his voice. Current influences include: John Irving, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., Michael Chabon, Tom "The Other Thin White Duke" Wolfe, and Truman Capote (among others). |
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