We are all sheep...
Last Update: April 2004
Killed dead links
You've discovered
If you're feeling Wild or
Woolly you've found a good place to misbehave! From
silly programmes and software to load to your desk (for
people who surf in search of sheepish intelligence!), to a series of
"Just for Fun" and
Writer's links
(for the mentally embalmed or the taxidermied sheep among us!)...I hope to provide
links to great people and cool places that you really shouldn't
have to live without! Read a short story, some
poetry, (another popular one
here), check out the
midi list or
drop me a note.
Who am I? What am I Doing Here?!
It's okay...I'm really not as confused as I sound. I am a 36 year old
creative spirit with ink on my fingers and NEVER enough time on my
hands! I love to write (I am working on a book manuscript which I intend
to submit for publication!), I read more than your average sheep, and I
love to laugh. I'm also a scrapbook freak, so if you don't like having your picture taken, watch out!
I am always thrilled to meet people. I enjoy discussion, whether controversial,
topical, or just for the sake of old-fashioned blab. I hope that visitors
here will find something of interest...and maybe even disturb the lint in
my mailbox! I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have for this
page. Do you have a site you think I should visit or link? Email Me! (But remove the SPAM from my address, first!)
"I wanna sheep of my own!"
Click on the sheep to download your very own
ridiculously funny desktop sheep. If you've ever fallen asleep at the
desk, you need these idiotic critters. The programme is about 33,000 bytes, although I have zipped it here
for convenience.

Subtlety* Web Design Interested in "making your mark" on the Internet?
For a unique, creative and affordable approach to Web-Authoring, look no further! I specialize in custom graphics and design. I can build, paint and publicize your "home" on the net.
Click on the images above to navigate this site
Cyber Sheep|
Poems and |
Waiting for the Light|
Feedback Form|
Writer's Links|
Sheepish Links|
The Flock in Powwow|
Silly Software|
Web Design|
Collected Scribbles|
Leave your hoofprint...
Graze in the Guestbook