~*~"I feel like a million tonight. But please gentlemen, one at a time." - Mae West~*~
People have asked me why I have a personal web page. I just wanted to learn how to make a web page, and it was much easier writing about something I knew, rather than making something up. OK, so a little part of me thought I was interesting enough to deserve a page all to myself. But I'm not self-involved..... really.
To move on to more important things, and to delve deeper into my cyber-soul please go to the next page.
Excuse me.... could you please sign my guestbook.. I really enjoy knowing someone took the time to look at my page... and took the time to fill out the guestbook too... please????
But before you sign that guestbook, like i KNOW you want to... please take a moment.. and remember.
Click on either icon to go to two very important sites.
Welcome to my page. It is a little rough around the edges, and certainly won't win me any rewards, but if you can forgive my materialisticness, IT'S MINE. I tend to think of this page as an extension of myself. I don't get much of a chance to update this page, so many of the links and stories are outdated, I keep meaning to spruce this thing up, but I also keep meaning to work out, diet, clean my house, laugh more, etc etc. I'm working on it. So like any other personal web page, this will ALWAYS be under construction.