The Background Boutique

Site Meter

Double Backgrounds
|pink| |purple| |blue| |blue| |brown| |black| |cyan/teal|
|pink textures| |green textures| |cyan textures|

Design Tiles
|pink wallpaper| |red wallpaper| |peach wallpaper| |yellow wallpaper|
|green wallpaper| |cyan/teal wallpaper| |blue wallpaper|
|purple wall paper| |gray/black wallpaper| |gingham| |quilts|
|stained glass| |tiles| |textures| |festive| |geometric| |gradients|

Design Borders
|textures| |textures| |mosaic textures| |reflections|
|reflections| |reflections| |color burst| |color burst|
|color burst| |geometric art| |geometric art|

Image Tiles
|country florals| |florals| |home and kitchen| |religion| |music|
|children| |children| |Cajun/Mardi Gras| |Cajun/Mardi Gras| |birds|
|animals| |rainbows| |misc| |sports| |tropical| |birthday| |New Year|
|Valentine's Day| |Flag Day/Fourth| |Easter| |Halloween| |Christmas|

Image Borders
|angels| |butterflies| |florals| |Christian crosses| |music| |love and marriage|
|children| |animals| |Cajun and Mardi Gras| |home and kitchen| |crests|
|diamonds| |sports| |birthday| |New Year| |Valentine's Day| |Easter|
|Father's and Mother's Day| |Halloween| |Thanksgiving| |Christmas|

On each page you use one of our backgrounds, credit us with a link back to our site. A "credits page" in not acceptable. Please view our buttons and our link back instructions.

Do not link directly to these images. Our URL must not show in your web page. Use your own server space. Read this page to see why you can't link directly to our images.

If you need help using our backgrounds, please see our tutorial page. If you want to change text and link colors, see our color chart.

AOL users must not compress our images. If you use Web TV, transload the images to your own site.

Nothing from this site may be altered, used in collections, used without a link back to our site, used on hate sites, or used in any manner we deem unacceptable.

|guest book| |rings| |links to users|

Thanks for making us so incredibly popular!
If you link to us, please link to this address:

Why did we chose ""?

First of all, we have been THE Boutique since 1996.
There are other sites that call themselves Background Boutique
in imitation of us, but we are the original.
Don't be fooled by second rate copy cats who use our name to get hits.

Second of all, we chose ".org" because ".com" means commercial.
We do not, have not ever, and will not ever charge for our work.
Another site that uses our name tries to sell backgrounds
made from other people's copyrighted images.
We wish to emphasize that we are in no way
affiliated with such unethical practices!

We are proud members of the Cyber Crew!

Our stalker can't resist this counter. It has a place to rate our site.
Just one day after we added it, she hit the "rate it" page
almost 300 times, giving us only 1 star! LOL!
She's bored and NEEDS A LIFE!

Copyright 1996 The Background Boutique. All rights reserved!
A few of our backgrounds were made with the aid of
Paint Shop Pro, Corel ClipArt, and Corel Draw.