Whats New?
Well, I wanted to make these pages
look a little better and mabey make
them load a little faster as well
as adding a few new pages and features.
One of my favorite new features is the
babe of the week.
I will add a new babe every friday and
I will keep all of the previous weeks
babes as long as I have the disk space
available here at Geocities. Do you
ever have trouble with those silly
color codes when writing HTML? If this
is always a pain in the butt for you I
have put together a couple of pages you
will love to see
Click Here to step in to the Dejavu,
color world. Soon I hope to finish the
Z-Car section
which will feature my 10th Aniversary
1980 Datsun 280ZX, it is the best car I
have ever owned and VERY fun to drive.
You may also want to check out
Z-Car Magazine.

For all of you that are just browsing the web
looking for various information and cool stuff
to look at. Have you ever thought about puting
your own information and cool stuff on the web?
It is much easier than you might have thought and
best of all ITS FREE! just click this
link to find out how it is done. OK maybe you think
it is too hard to make a web page, well I learned the
basics of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
in less than one week and I did not know anything
about it. So if you think you may want to put your
own creations on the World Wide Web check out
Geocities today. If you decide to get your own FREE
web page bookmark this page and check out my
links page
you will find a bunch of links to HTML pages and other
related topics like JavaScript, Animated Gifs, and jpeg Images
all of which you can use on your Geocities web page.
just tell them Doubious sent you...