Welcome To Caight's Art Page!

This site is a work in progress. Soon you'll be able to read my short stories, find out what my taste in music is like, and you'll see some of my sketches! =) If you have any recommendations, please email me at: caight@geocities.com =)

Here's some background info on me...

I'm 23 and an MIS Student at Wayne State University. I've had several different majors including Drama, English, and Computer Science. Right now, I'm working at the Uni as a Network Manager and going to school part-time. I'll be snagging my degree in the Fall term of 1998. Caight is an alias of mine. My real name is kept secret online unless I've gotten a chance to know people atleast a little bit. I do this because I've unfortunately met some pretty strange characters on this infamous 'information superhighway'. Not all of my online experience has been bad though cause I've also met some very good friends these past few years.

Now, just so you know, the stories I'm soon going to post here are not copywrited. I would really appreciate it though, if you let me know you're snatching it and posting/printing it somewhere else. For the most part, my stories are fiction.

For now, here's some Links to start you off while I get my stories ready to post.

A few of my sketches!
M.C. Escher's Inspiring Work
The Question of the week!
Yes! The Guinness Homepage! =)

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