Lost Somewhere Between the Earth and the Sky

Check out my favourite wav and real-life advertisement right here.

Yep, I updated again. Now I'm part of a web ring. Please, try to stay calm.Visit it. (Why visit first? Why not? Are you in some kind of rush?) Then check everything else out.

the anti web-ring ring. go moebius.

This anti-webring ring site owned by jill heather.
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By some bizarre fluke, you’ve happened upon my web page. You should probably leave. I’m weird. But I have some cool links, so it’s really a toss-up.

Talking about those cool links, I have a new page, where I . . . well, just check it out.

 I’d play the Jeopardy theme song while you decide, except it’s really big and it takes a long time to download. It’s also annoying as hell. This is the real reason why I won’t. However, I will put on a part of the song that inspired the title of my homepage. The song is "Free", by the Martinis. You can hear part of it here.

 There are tonnes of cool things to do here. I don’t suggest you find out about me; however, I’ve included a link. There’s also a link to stuff I’ve written. This, too, is optional.

(Guess what. No. You're wrong. Sorry.)

 You can also find out about all the things I like. Because I have impeccable taste, you should check it out. Then copy me. Well, copy me if you want to be exactly like me. You don’t. Trust me. (Then again, why should you trust a perfect stranger?)

 I’ve also, in my years being alive, managed to get a whole bunch of quotes and other things that aren’t categorizable. And -- get this -- awards. Plus I have friends (yep, I really do) who have web pages. And I have the penultimate link, links to random pages I’ve decided I like.

 This is by definition the last link.

 (Unless you count this desperate plea to e-mail me as a link, in which case the whole penultimate thing just doesn’t work.)

About me What I've written Rantings A Weird Page The stuff I like Quotes et al Friends Penultimate Link Last Link

I did everything on here by myself. I'm copyrighting it, too. Not that I'd know if you stole my designs; actually, I'd be flattered. Take whatever you like, just let me know. Netiquette and all that. Oh, and a good way to let me know would be to send e-mail to alleykat@canadamail.com.
Or, try the web based

As I said: finally updated, August 16, '97.

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