Welcome to Dr. TaK's Webstage


Am I looking good ?

This site was set up back in 1995, or thereabout, and has been left almost completely untouched until 2007! A lot of links referencing external resources have died since, and the site as a whole is clearly in need of some kind of care.I will try to revamp it slowly.

For the latest news, please check my blog, which is linked here and is accessible in a more conventional and standalone blog format here.

Below are some of my interests:

I made a first draft for the Wonder Festival 2008 Summer Report, albeit totally biased towards Ma.K. I will rearrange it properly whenever I find the time (cough, cough)...
Reports for the events in earlier seasons can be found below (in reverse chronological order):

Following are links to some works:

Animated Blobs Ray-tracing's so cool...

Feel free to reach Dr.Tak at dr_tak@geocities.com

This Stage was performed Countertimes.

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