You just entered my wonderful homepage. (yeah!!, you did!! lucky you) enjoy it..
you can go to:
the personal corner: well, this is just a little personal side of my homepage, including some information about the one and only me, links, some pics, and so on... You're always welcome to visit it :o)
the animated gif cornerA nice gallery full of animated gifs, they can be usefull if you want to decorate your homepage with moving images. I just like to look at them, and I'm sure you'll enjoy them too...
the ascii art corner this is a must to see too, at least if you like ascii art... You'll find a lot of them here, and maybe, if you look very well, you will find some that were made by me :c)
- my guestbook: would you like to sign it, or do you prefer to view it? It's up to you...
: well that's a bit of publicity for GuestWorld, hehe...
You might not notice it, but a lot of pics and backgrounds (well, at least some of them), I made myself. I want to make another page with mainly those piccies in a little while. So please be a little patient and stay tuned, buddies, I'm working on it...
anyway...don't leave this page immediately, because a nice soundfile could be loading (or is playing already) at this very moment
(best viewed with netscape or IE 2.0 or higher, and a 800x600 monitor is preferred, all made by Lies Demuynck)