The Adventure's of Hangin Herman

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I'd like to welcome you to the hell-hole I call my home. In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm manacled to this wall, why I'd shake your hand. I can't remember how long I've been here but I've had Counter visitors since my sentence began.
My adventures are updated weekly and the latest one can be seen below in "quick scribble" format. If you really want to see or download the larger clearer version, click on the strip. Be warned though they're approx 800 * 240 pixels in size.

Need to see the story from the beginning click here

The D.U.T.C.H Cartoons Home Page is back on line. Follow the link.

Welcome to the Xmas cartoon for 2006...
(Sorry it's been so long since it last updated - 2 years!!!)
Just to remind you all that every year around December 25th on our calendar, an event called "Joining Day" is celebrated. This is when the two mystical pulsating rings (or sphere's to be more accurate) surrounding the planet, one good and one evil, merge as they pass each other in their cycles. To celebrate the more powerful influence of the good sphere, age old traditions tell of old St Genrus who delivers presents to all the children of the land...

There are those in Insipia who would like to see all such displays of goodness outlawed...

Herman's Xmas Cartoon
It's MINE!!

Thanks to Lpage! Guestbook provided free-of-charge by Lpage

If you want to know anything about the strip or have any suggestions or just want to comment, then just e-mail DUTCH Cartoons

If anyone wants a link to their cartoon site, let me know by contacting me at the e-mail address above.

Brick Buckingham, Space Commander
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