ivory on ebony,
hair on strings
music, it soothes my soul
the didgeridoo. the ryhthm that can be produced by the deep drone of this musical instrument is intoxicating.
about myself
malaysian chinese, 24
architecture 5th year student
curtin university of technology, perth, australia
sport : tennis, swimming
music : piano, didgeridu
traits : chronic absentmindedness
likes : cheesecake!
a cd i recorded with my brother in 1997.
it contains 9 songs we wrote on the piano
and was for a very close friend of ours,
a girl named karen
furniture i worked on. it's about 1.8m high (the average height of a person) and 1m wide.
i think that getting hands-on experience is of ultimate importance...only after screwing in the bolts and nuts did i begin to have an appreciation for construction details.
last words
and tell me what you think...and please do sign my guestbook! thanks for reading this page!