


I pour myself into a slinky bikini.

I slither into a semi-sheer backless one piece.

I try out a bikini with little shorts and a halter top that's hardly there.

Damn Matt.

Who's idea was it anyway to head for the jacuzzi? Because if it was me, just shoot me now. I don't think I could have come up with a plan any more stupid if I had tried.

"Kris!" I whined into the phone which was resting precariously between my right shoulder and head. "Matt's coming over soon for a jacuzzi night and I don't have a thing to wear."

"I'm sure he won't mind," Kris giggled back.


You'd think that if someone became this exasperated every time after talking to a certain person they wouldn't call that person anymore. But then, I'm thinking along the lines of what a normal person would do again.

"Dana, you have more swimsuits than I've had boyfriends. What about that cute purple bikini?"

More swimsuits than Kris has had boyfriends?????? That's sad, even for a billionaire. I definitely need to get to the beach more often.

Or shop less.

Haha…….who am I kidding? Shop less?

"The purple one is non-existent. It wouldn't cover my pinky finger."

"Exactly. Are you looking to be miss modest here?"

"You know, some people would say one-pieces are sexy," I retorted, getting annoyed despite myself.

"And some people will be fifty before they're laid."


I sighed, shifting the phone from one shoulder to the other. "I'm debating between the classic bikini bottoms and the little shorts…"

"Are you sure you don't want to just go naked? Just put on a tie and stilettos. It'll save time."


Now she sighed, just as exasperated with me as I with her. She's probably just frustrated that she hasn't rubbed off on me yet. It's been a lot of years.

"Go with the shorts. But make sure they're really little shorts, makes your butt look good. And lots of cleavage. Lots."

I laughed. Yes, me. I laughed. Somebody better record this because it may be a long time before it's heard again.

"Thanks Kris. Have fun with the guy of the night."

"Anytime…just make sure-"

I hung up the phone, knowing full well what the rest of her sentence would be and not really caring enough to listen. What a friend I am. Calling for help and hanging up.

Oh well. Must not dwell. Matt alert.

I quickly pawed through my massive pile of swimsuits and pulled on a brown and gold bikini with tiny shorts and a miniscule top, true to Kris' specifications. I wouldn't want to depend on my own idea of a good bathing suit would I?

Shit. Doorbell.

I quickly ran a hand through my hair, wrapped a sarong around my hips, and went sashaying down the stairs to the door.

"Hi Matt," I smiled, enjoying the look on his face as he took me in.

"Dana…" His eyes darkened a tad if that's possible and his breathing slowed ever so slightly. "You look great."

Looks like Kris made the right decision.

As if I'd ever doubted it.