


I rev the insanely powerful motor of my newly purchased Harley while grinning at my twin.

"Still game?" I laugh raucously, cocking my head to the side and daring her to back out now.

Kimberly allows a smile to play on her lips, still getting over the amount of money we've spent today. "Dana, when will you learn? Good wins over bad. Innocent wins over dark. The pure and true always hold forth at the end."

"Maybe if you're Disney," I reply dryly, finding it hard to even imagine someone voicing those imbecilic thoughts, never mind believing them.

Tonight we're groomed to meet our diametrically opposed philosophies; tonight it would take a lot more than a second glance to notice that we're twins. I'm perched on a flashy, blue, custom-made Harley while wearing a tight, black snakeskin mini-skirt and chunky black boots that reach my knees. My shoulders are bare to Vail's brisk night air in a devilish leopard print tube top which reveals, along with several inches of a tanned and firm six pack, a large, gorgeous diamond belly-button ring. My outfit is completed by a thick, red and yellow gold braided choker filled with many more diamonds.

The price of that almost made Kim storm out, cancel all of our plans, and rush back to the soup kitchen as quickly as possible.

Finally, to complete the whole entourage, I blow-dried my hair poker straight so that it reaches nearly to my waist. A few strands throughout my entire mane are dyed a deep, dark blue so that in normal light they simply blend into to my dark locks but when struck right the blue-back tones shine through. My eyes are accented heavily with dark eyeliner, and my skin prepped for the occasion by several trips to the tanning salon in order to give me a Polynesian look.

It worked.

Kim, true to our natures and the entire game, is dressed completely oppositely. Her hair, cut shorter than mine to begin with, is curled tightly so that it shortens to a tight bob reaching just to her chin. Gently applied blush gives her a naturally rosy look, and pink lip gloss is in sharp contrast to my deep, rich brown toned lipstick. Her skin, naturally tan like my own, is powdered to give as sharp a contrast as possible. And then, of course, there's the clothing. Kim's wearing a beaded, pale-pink halter top and skin-tight black pants that hug her hips tightly. Strappy platforms accent her dainty feet and reveal hot pink, sparkly nail polish that shouts girly from whichever way you look at them.

"Naivete is a virtue," Kim shouts as I slip on my helmet, gun the motor, and send snow spraying everywhere as I go shooting down the road.
My laughter fades away in the wind, but I turn my head to shout out "Don't be late!"

I come careening to a sudden halt outside the club, turning the bike sharply so that my knee almost brushes the ground, but expertly balancing to keep it from falling on its side.

You're not allowed to drive in Vail; no cars in the entire village.

Like I've ever followed any rules my entire life.

If a cop stopped me I'd either burst into tears or offer to fuck him…. problem solved.

The bouncer stares in awe, whether at the bike or me I'm not sure. I hop off, slinging my helmet onto the handlebar.

"Keep an eye on her," I speak in a timbre-filled voice while slipping him a fifty, "She's a special gal."

With sure steps I stalk straight to the bar, being careful to let my endless legs and tight ass catch the eyes of every male in the bar. Kim will be here in exactly ten minutes and I have work to do.

"Hey baby," a tall, blond guy slides onto the bar stool next to me. He nods to the barman who's busy staring at breasts, "I'm buying for the lady."

"Oh really," I look at him through my thick, long lashes as if about to deny him the opportunity, but then pause and slip the bills I was holding back into the top of my tube top, making him do a double take. "You better get in line."

Kim waltzes into the club scarcely five minutes later, grinning girlishly and appearing pure and innocent. I see her out of the corner of my eye as I grind with one of the many gorgeous guys who's been drooling all over me for the past ten minutes.

My blond guy barely notices her, busy skulking over a drink since I dropped him after the last dance, but most other heads turn in the room.

"Excuse me for staring, but I didn't realize angels lived in Vail," one guy immediately hits on my sister with one of the corniest pick up lines in the world. Kim grins her little girlish grin, working the good-girl act to its fullest.

Damn, she's good, I'll have competition tonight.


"Seven and counting," I hiss in Kim's ears as I manage to escape a green-haired guy with tattoos and piercings completely covering his body which I saw way more of than I wanted to.

Kim arches an eyebrow at me, "I'm at nine," she smiles smugly.


I swirl around my bar stool so that my back is to Kim, facing a cute, tall guy with green eyes.

"Hey sexy," I greet with the huskiest voice I can muster, "Buy me a drink."

Green-eyed leaps to, his eyes traveling down my body before long, and I use every sexual ploy in the book to get his number in less than three minutes, a record.



Kim sits on the outside, looking demurely on, as I dance up a storm for the next hour.

Too bad it's not an ass-grabbing contest, because I would've won hands down by now.


"Thanks for the drink, cutie," Kim says shyly, batting eyelashes at the bartender.



"Wanna fuck?" I scream to be heard over the music and the guy I've just sat down next to looks up surprised, probably still barely able to see me.

I laugh, tossing my long hair back, and he's immediately hooked.

"It's a good attention getter," I lean forward, showing off my chest, and speaking with a conspiratorial look in my eyes.



At 2:50 AM, exactly on schedule, I shove off the last three guys that I haven't managed to get rid of and strut out of the club with my ass wagging. Feeling glorious, and clutching twenty-three slips of paper with names and numbers drunkenly scribbled on them, I give the bouncer a quick kiss, collect number twenty-four, and roar off on my Harley amidst a flurry of snow.

Ten minutes later Kim shyly waves goodbye to an absolutely adorable guy that she started talking to only when I was leaving, and leaves the club with a whole group of admirers watching. And she leaves with just twenty-one numbers.

Dark and evil triumphs…which may say bad things about mankind, or perhaps just lavishes praise upon my chest.