Cheep Frills by KADA

Kathy Davidson Altig
Custom Artist

Sitemap Tables
I opened this page on Oct.24,1999,
mstrfixr is developing this site for me

Helpful Hints:

    These are just little ideas that I have come up with to either solve problems or dilemmas in my life, or at work, or at school. There is nothing earth-shattering; they are all simple. But everyone thinks you are "so creative", or a real "life-saver" when you use them. I will add to them as I come up with them. Just think of it as sharing, just in a little more organized manner than at the mid-morning coffee break.
    There'll be Frequent Updates- Please bookmark and return, often...
  1. Going Away Present
  2. Remembrance Collage
  3. School Poster
  4. School Report/ Story Project
    Future features will include:
  • Craft Hints
  • Projects for you to do
  • Custom Artwork- you may order & purchase

               Do You have Requests or Ideas? - let me know

Cheep Frills' mail
MstrFixr mail

Please come back soon and visit me.


another webcreation by mstrfixr
last U/D & ck'd 11/11/1999_SA



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