Luna Bianca

Nebula Lazuli

Jadelike purity has left a secret of freedom

In the lower world:

Congeal the spirit in the lair of energy,

And you'll suddenly see

White snow flying in midsummer,

The sun blazing in the water at midnight.

Going along harmoniously,

You roam in the heavens

Then return to absorb

The virtues of the receptive.

You are serene and glowing with your own inner radiance.

You are the Midnight Moon.

White Tara

Mother of the East Oceans ~ Constort of the West Wind

Fragrant ~ Deep ~ Gentle ~ Swift



If you can look back again and again into

the source of mind, whatever you are doing,

not sticking to any image of person or of

self at all, then this is "turning the light

around wherever you are." This is the

finest practice.

The Moon and the Morning Star, Venus

Once you know living midnight, there is definitely

also true midnight. Are they one or two, not true

not alive? It all requires you to see the real. Once you

see the real, everytying is true, everything is alive.

If your seeing is not real, what is living, what is true?

Deer Protectress - Artemis


Goddess of the Hunt

and Her Handmaiden

Deer Lady Doe

under the night sky

As for living midnight, when you see it at all times,

finally you reach true midnight; your mood is clear

and light, and living midnight gradually blooms

into ever-greater awareness.

At Sea

…the coming and going is traceless,

the floating and sinking is indiscernible.

The channels are stilled, energy stops:

this is true intercourse.

This is what is called

"the moon steeped in mirriad waters."

Gaia Lactica

Whenever you leak vital spirit, being stirred and

interacting with beings, that is all fire.

Whenever you gather back spirit's consciousness and quiet it down

to steep in the center, that is all water.

When the senses run outward, that is fire;

when the senses turn around inward,

that is water.

As long as the mind has not reached supreme quiet,

it cannot act. Action caused by momentum is

random action, not essential action.

Therefore it is said that action influenced

by things is human desire,

while action uninfluenced by things

is the action of Heaven.

Lotus of Love

Credit: Verses are mostly from Secret of the Golden Flower, translation by T. Cleary; and my own humble musings. The images are not created by me, but arranged with care and love as I would on the walls and altars of my home.
