Isarog, Bato Lake mga Environmental hot spots
by Perry Calara
Sinasabi kan pag-aadal kan Center for Integrative Development
Studies (CIDS), kan University of the Philippines (UP) na an Mt. Isarog sa
Camarines sur sagkod Bato Lake sa boundery kan Albay asin Camarines Sur mga
environmental hotspots. full story
Mayon and Butanding of Bicol
by Dr. Rosa Fruto
There is no doubt in my mind that the Philippines is blessed with amazing beauty
after having experienced the best of Bicol for our Holy Week vacation. With Fr.
Granwel "Dawe" Pitapit as host, my friends and I (all of us members of
the United Trekkers Club) experienced the province's churches, mountains, sea
and, of course, food.. full story
Balik Sorsogon
Ni Loida
The Committee of Balik Sorsogon USA welcomes your members
who are from Sorsogon Province to join us during the Kasanggayahan
Festival (October 17 to 30) which has designated October 27 to 31, 2003
as the Balik Sorsogon Reunion.
full story
at Sangkatauhan
Ni: Perry M. Calara
Sa mga interesado sa Agham at Sagkatauhan, paki bisita
man an sakuyang kolum sa Pinoy Gazette na
circulated sa Japan.
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