
Visitor Number

Hello, everyone!! Welcome to my father's website! My name is Bethany Guerrero, and I'm Al G.'s youngest daughter. For those of you just visiting the site for the first time, the world lost a very special person and musician on October 28, 2002 -- my father, Al Guerrero.

I've finally discovered how to UPDATE this site!! I'm going to try not to change this site too much; however, I will try and keep it updated with memorial information, or just little tidbits about Dad. Please keep his memory alive and SUPPORT LOCAL MUSIC! Thank you all for the love and support you've shown my family (especially to me and my older sister, Aimee). Much love, Bethany

Also, here's a special thanks to not only a good friend of my dad's, but also a friend of mine: To Mr. Harry Graaf, thank you so much for all of the wonderful pictures of my Dad. They bring back many memories, and I'd like to share them with everyone. (All pictures posted, unless otherwise noted, are credited to Harry Graaf).

And thank you to everyone that attended the G-Family Picnic hosted by...well, my family! A HUGE thank you goes to Uncles Dave and Dan, Aunts Gail and Nanette, all cousins, etc., and to the cutest old lady ever, my Grammy.

One final note: For those of you who remember where my father is buried, I'd really like to say that I appreciate all of the pennies on his grave. For those who are not sure of what I mean: Instead of leaving flowers at Dad's grave, we sometimes leave "pennies for our thoughts." I was just at Dad's gravesite the other day and there were quite a few pennies. So keep those thoughts coming!!! :-)

To quote Dad: "This is a place where you can find out what's going on in my life, what musical projects I am working on, and what my schedule (musical and otherwise) is."

"Since I've been pretty hard to get in touch with, I thought this would help."

"Also, If you are looking for a bass player, you can check out my resume, and some of the things I have done musically."

"I've always admired Tony Levin's Road Diary, and I thought that I might try to do the same thing here. By the way, Click on the link to read a really cool excerpt from Tony Levin's book to understand what it really is to be a bass player."

"For now, consider this page under construction.  Just like my life."


Click here for a Schedule...

Click here for Al G.'s Resume...

Click here for Cool Links...

Click here for Comments...

Click here for the Tony Levin excerpt...

Hail Cesar!
We lost one of the best on 4/26/02. Goodnight Cesar. We'll miss you.

HAIL AL G.! We lost THE BEST on 10/28/02. Goodnight, Al G. We miss you already!


"AL G." TIDBIT: Al G. was amazed by the sunset, even though he was colorblind. Here's a little sunset for you to enjoy!!
