Péniche:(n. fem. Fr.) a self-propelled barge navigating rivers and canals.
  In the spring the Péniche Project has reserved a péniche on which to stage various acts from several circuses and an orchestra. We will ply the rivers and canals of France and Europe, our ultimate destination being the Black Sea. The craft will be powered with bio-diesel fuel.
The circus and orchestra will earn their way by performing on a stage built on the péniche deck. We will be selling souvenir CD's, silkscreened t-shirts and other memorabilia. One of the circuses we are involved with is The Cyclown Circus, who are completely bicycle-driven and very popular wherever they appear. The Cyclowns will ride ahead to publicize shows and scout venues. We also plan to cross paths with various festivals that might be along the way. In addition we shall go to refugee camps and do benefit shows.  
Pensez Péniche! Think Péniche!

Your tax-exempt donation checks should be made out to the Coatesville Cultural Society.

Please memo your check Péniche Project and send to:
Coatesville Cultural Society
143 East Lincoln Highway
Coatesville PA 19320.

  Péniche Project Planner Patrick Radebaugh
1370 Shiloh Road Morgantown PA 19543 610-286-9601
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