Rape Abuse and Incest National Network
Please check out my link below to RAINN and see how you can help keep the only toll free support hotline for rape, abuse, and incest victims. Just handing out money not your thing? Check out the online merchandise and get your RAINN gear today including keychains, notecards designed by Sarah McLachlan, and exclusive Tori Amos (RAINN) gear!
Are you a victim of rape, abuse, or incest? Also on the merchandise page is a list of books suggested by other victims. If you need to talk to someone please call 1-800-656-HOPE (press 1 at the menu to reach immediate help) if you need help but don't feel comfortable talking on the phone, there is also a link for online assistance, or search for a local counceling center near you.. If you are a victim and you need help, don't wait, call 1-800-656-4673 |