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The description of my page is:
The artist took up this field on his own in 1987, he also attended drawing courses in Centro Cultural Vergueiro (São Paulo, Brazil) and he has been painting since then. His artworks are generally made in oil on canvas, using mixed tecniques, for his surrealist style brings figurative traces. His paintings are based on subconscious elements, which express his life story in his pictures, showing a new and different world, under his own point of view. His artworks aim the reflection of human psyche, in a moment when world changes more and more, yesterday’s dreams turn into our reality at present. In order to improve and reach his recent stage, he has made several researches in museums as well as long studies, and the influence of Max Ernest, Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali influenced his work. The artist style also includes abstract, based on Kandinsky and Jack Polock, whose artworks are very similar to his.


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