Gratefully Deadicated to Substance Free Musical Bliss |
The All New Free and Clear.
Hey Now, events for substance free Hippies! Whodathunk!
Free & Clear is a unofficial organization who's mission is to bring together the Sober concert going community. We want to provide a clear focus on the love and brotherhood of the music and the clean scene. Far to often, folks think that the only way to experience a show is by putting a chemical into their bodies, but when positive vibrations, great people, fun times, and true love energy are combined with the clarity to fully absorb it all, it is a high that is unequalled. Free & Clear neither condones nor condemns drinking or drug use and doesn't wish to exclude anyone based on their personal beleifs or practices. Free & Clear is not a support group. We are not a recovery organization. We are not afiliated with A.A., N.A., The Wharf Rats or any other group. Our sole mission is to provide an atmosphere where folks can gather and celebrate their love for the Grateful Dead/Hippie culture and spirit of brotherhood, as well as the decision to remain sober. Look here to find info on sober shows, groups of sober concert followers, upcoming shows and all kinds of info on the sober scene! .
This page is being updated as we speak! Check back soon for all kinds of nifty new features including an up-to-date listing of our schedual of events!
Update in progress.
Please oh Please sign my guestbook, It makes me feel loved!
'dis many freaks have poked around since 09/11/99