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In Other People's Words
"I go to meet that blundering, clumsy, beautiful, shy world of poetic, archetypal, wild intuition that's not going to come out into the broad daylight of the rational mind but wants to peek in."
--Gary Snyder

I tangled with
the world to
let it go
but couldn't free

it: so I made
to wrestle in my
stead and went

off silent to
the quick flow
of brooks, the
slow flow of stone

--A.R. Ammons (1926-2001)
O Karma, Dharma

O Karma, Dharma, pudding and pie,
gimme a break before I die:
grant me wisdom, will & wit,
purity, probity, pluck & grit.
Trustworthy, loyal, helpful, kind,
gimme great abs & a steel-trap mind,
and forgive, Ye Gods, some humble advice--
these little blessings would suffice
to beget an earthly paradise:
make the bad people good--
and the good people nice;
and before our world goes over the brink,
teach the believers how to think.
--Philip Appleman (b. 1926)
"What does education often do? It makes a straight-cut ditch of a free meandering brook.
--Henry David Thoreau

"Actually, there
are two kinds of people in this world; those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better." --Tom Robbins from Still Life with Woodpecker

"The way the world is living at present is entirely wrong. Civilization has carried us along to a point where...we are not living, but merely existing."  --Joe Knowles 1913
"And if I should put the rules aside for a time, I knew I would wear scars but would they be worse than the scars of failure I was wearing? To be alive at all is to have scars."  --John Steinbeck
The Winter of Our Discontent
Last Updated on 9/16/06
41 (76)
Human beings are
    soft and supple when alive,
    stiff and straight when dead.

The myriad creatures, the grasses and trees are
    soft and fragile when alive,
    dry and withered when dead.

Therefore, it is said:
    The rigid person is a disciple of death;
    The soft, supple, and delicate are lovers of life.

Any army that is inflexible will not conquer;
A tree that is inflexible will snap.

The unyielding and mighty shall be
    brought low;
The soft, supple, and delicate will be
    set above.

--from the Tao Te Ching
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