. Here are some sites for collectors of dolls, paperdolls, "Barbie"®; fans of Britcom; puzzlers; people who love to travel - read - write - even a thesaurus.
Let's share...
Here they are, in no particular order:
A link to Jim Faraone's page...
He does Fashion Makeovers©, designs and creates beautiful costumes for fashion dolls.
A must-see for doll and paper doll collectors,
featuring artwork by Lucinda Durbin, Leigh Anne Schuler, Teri Wilson, Sandra Vanderpool.
U.S. Historical Society
Here is Lucinda Durbin's paper doll site...
...And Joanne Braden's adorable paper dolls...
And speaking of paperdolls, here is a very eclectic page, linking you to enjoyable and informative sites, including those of pd artists
Marilee's Paperdolls Page: Printable Paperdol...
Here's another site that reflects her wide-ranging interests.
Italian Cuisine - Welcome from The Mining Co.
Thanks, Marilee
Travel Sites and Sights
Shropshire Visitors Guide UK
Brother Cadfael's environs, if you love the Mystery series on PBS
Stone Pages
All about prehistoric man-made stone formations in the UK, France and Italy.
You could spend all day at Meozzi's site.
And do subscribe to Archeo News newsletter for latest in discoveries, world-wide!

In Japanese, with Italian subtitles, as available.
My good friend, and her friends and acquaintances, share their traditions and culture:
Photography, jewelry, sculpture, more.
(To surf site, drag cursor over characters, click as indicated when address appears in lower left-hand corner of screen.)
...Visit Africa...live!
Thank you, Connie

All Rights Protected by Artist
NORTHERN LIGHTS by Sigurdur H Stefnisson©
You must see his breath-taking photography!
And closer to home...
The City of the Big Shoulders, "That Toddlin' Town"©
CPL About Chicago
A Fran Drescher fan?
The Really Unofficial Nanny Home Page
Fran...The Paperdoll
Hyacinth Bucket?
...and here's Hyacinth
a paperdoll
PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - Index ...
A fascinating site for all readers; modern and classical literature
Art Museum on-line...
An extensive collection of paintings, modern and classical. Your favorites are here.
Mark Harden's ARTCHIVES
Thank you, CONPOET
Opera lovers, procedette...
Franco Corelli Home Page
(also link to "Great Voices of the Past")
The Phantom of the Opera
The Brad Little Information Highway
(The quintessential Phantom!)
Thanks, HJBigPig:))
Page One
Inspiring interviews with newest authors; publishing news, writing tips.
Writers, check out contests.
Editor, John Weaver
Something EXTRA in an Ezine. Join us.

The Park Bench
Featuring author,
Thomas Ross
His gently humorous, insightful memoirs are a MUST-READ!
More Memories

The Nautilus
Tom Ross on the Energy Crisis
Poetry by
Connie Carlson
A Collection
Have a medical question?
Ask Dr. Weil
Puzzle addict? Jigsaw Puzzles galore!
Train to Kyle Jigsaw Puzzle
You'll love these - they're timed!
Thanks, Alma:)
A philosophical "pheline"
OscarCatus's Home Page
Another member of the "Company", CntryHrts, sent
Country Living on HomeArts
Recipes, collectibles, decor, crafts...and more!
Thanks, CntryHrts :)
Welcome to Merriam-Webster
A Thesaurus
Now with audio! Hear it pronounced!
Read all about it...
Your new Rx
RxList - The Internet Drug Index
Thanks to WindNriver for link
Interesting site...
What's in YOUR Name? - demonstration analysis
Thanks, Christy:)
This will mystify you...
Meet Hondo
Thanks, HJBigPig :)
These are just a few of the sites I've found out about, and please...
Read carefully all cautionary text included in them, warning about using or abusing the material they contain.
All graphics copyrighted by the artists
Thanks so much for dropping in, and come back soon!
Don't forget, send a link to your favorite sites!
Self-discovery sites; Personality Tests; more...
Old Wives' Remedies
and Folklore
For Women Only
All about US :)
...Extra! 2001
Featuring fiction and poetry by you!
Your Favorite Recipes
Site updated January 14, 2009
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