Milorad Pavlovich | |||||||||||
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– 2006 4th Aromatics Project,
Foster Wheeler Ltd Borzouyeh Petrochemical Co., Bandar Assalouyeh,
Iran Commissioning of the complex that includes refining/ petrochemical processes: Hydrogenation of pyrolysis gasoline (Axens), Prefractionation and HTU of gas condensates - Arofining (Axens), CCR - Aromizing (Axens), Separation of Reformate and Aromatics (Axens), Extraction of Benzene and Toluene Sulfolane – Morphylane (Krupp Uhde), Selective Toluene Disproportination and Toluene C9+ aromatics Transalkylation Units (TORAY- TOYO ENGINEERING CORPORATION), Eluxyl process (para-xylene separation) and xylenes isomerization ParamaX (Axens).Processes are similar to UOP’s Tatoray, THDA, Parex and Isomar Process EB dealkylation - Xylene isomerization by Axens, Krupp Uhde and Toray.YOKOGAWA CS3000 DCS. Defining and planning of pre-commissioning /commissioning scopes/priorities. Determined the manpower requirements. Pre-commissioning/commissioning procedures/handover certification pack contents/start-up practices and procedures including safety and emergency plans preparation. Managed the pre- commissioning/ commissioning activities in accordance with the scheduled programs. Coordinated completion of items on the punch lists. Process and technology for plant start up/equipment upgrading/Q track/management consultancy [MC]. 30
commissioning workers' personnel. 2004
– 2005 Tyre-Recycling
Project,Vorkapic co, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro Pilot plant recycling facility design, commissioning and testing for development of environmentally acceptable technology to convert scrap tires into industrially usable products. Scrap shredded tyres were pyrolysed in a batch pyrolysis unit - into diesel fuel and liquefied petroleum gas.The derived diesel fuel was analysed for fuel properties, including calorific value, elemental analysis, sulphur, nitrogen, chloride/fluoride content. The air pollution was monitored by the measurement of emissions of NOx, SO2, particulates and total unburned hydrocarbons. Project management
advising on contractual matters, consulting and assistance for the correct
implementation of the project of gas oil HTU and associated
facilities. Managed the pre- commissioning/ commissioning activities in accordance with the
scheduled programs. Co-coordinated completion of items on the punch lists. Recommended
process and technology for existing
plant/equipment upgrading/modernization. 60 process workers' personnel. 1998
- 2000 Currie&Brown
Stone&Webster Lysaker joint venture
Construction, commissioning and process manager for Fergana Refinery major retrofit including reformers modifications and catalyst change. MC role with working knowledge of ICAPS.Start ups of HTU, Sulphur Recovery Unit [SRU], etc. and rail loading improvement. Issued/reviewed Piping and Instruments Diagrams (P&ID), Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Mass & Energy Balances, checked the process parameters of instruments datasheets, piping designs, piping list and equipment list, Operation Manual development, issued process control philosophy and checked control loop narratives. Participated in HAZOP studies with other disciplines. Followed-up lab (Quality Control) results and analysis to ensure on-spec products. Monitored plant effluents and emissions to ensure compliance with HSE objectives. Managed the pre-commissioning/commissioning activities at site in accordance with the scheduled programs. Co-ordinated with the vendors testing/commissioning of equipment.Controled and co-ordinated Safety procedures according to the job types. Issued start-up/shutdown schedule and ensured utilization of proper procedures. Issued monthly report on plant performance, achieved goals and forecasts. Developed On-The-Job Training Program to train local staff on DCS plant operation and troubleshooting. Performance Test Acceptance Protocol signed on behalf of Uzbekistan Oil Company.
Project budget control for European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development [EBRD]. (Responsible for 200 personnel) 1998
- 1999
Quipbrokers, Norway Consultant
to the petrochemical industry, principal-in-charge for commissioning,
start-up, operations, environmental and regulatory driven projects. Commission based equipment broker for second hand
and surplus equipment to the petroleum-, marine- and construction
Industries via internet Equipment Database. 1997
- 1998 OSCE Election
Observation Mission for the Serbian
Parliamentary and
Presidential Elections 1995
- 1997 Keyman
International Ltd,
Cyprus Marketing
of chemicals and application of consulting services in Yugoslavia and
Eastern Europe to
potential clients with emphasis in the oil & petrochemical Industries,
negotiating and developing contracts, recruitment of qualified personnel
to fulfil contract requirements. 1994 – 1995
International conference on
the former Yugoslavia (ICFY) Observer
Yugoslavia 1993 –1994
- Balongan – Indonesia Commissioning, start up and optimisation of EXOR I project. (Reduced Crude Cracking Unit [RCC] complex with Light gas oil/Heavy cycle gas oil HTU, fuel gas, flare, common systems). Prepared detailed pre-commissioning / commissioning / start-up procedures for the HTU plants. Supervised the pre-commissioning / commissioning activities including flushing and blowing lines for cleaning, performing service test for utilities, pressure testing and inerting, preparing and supervising equipment test such as pumps, compressors and blowers. Inspected plant for mechanical completion. Employed by Ipedex Abu Dhabi for Joint venture partnership of Foster Wheeler (Indonesia) & Japan Gasoline Corporation. Responsible for 80 personnel. 1989
– 1993
Yugoslavia Consulting services and representation of FOCON LTD, England in Yugoslavia, covering all aspects of operational, mechanical, safety and environmental areas in own consultancy tied into an international computer Network and equipped for quick acquisition of various data: Import of crude oil, semi-products, products, storage and transportation. Planning and analysis for toll processing of crude oil. 1988 – 1989 Sarir and Ras Lanuf Libya - Refinery Shift Superintendent Crude unit, UOP Platformer, tank farm, flares, waste heat boilers and off site facilities. OH corrosion monitoring and addition of anticorrosion Inhibitor & antifoulant. Charge heater temperature profile adjustment. Member of HAZOP and HAZAN review team. Start-up, troubleshooting and debottlenecking. Day by day maintenance, preparing & managing technical and safety procedures, improving operating philosophy, planning and resource allocation. Daily control and monitoring of plant operation. Organized test runs for analysis of unit performance. Identified process bottlenecks for increasing the plant throughput. Performed process optimization studies. Monitored Platformer catalyst unloading, loading and catalyst performance activities. Developed On-The-Job Training Program to train local staff on plant operation and troubleshooting. Responsible for 1982
- 1988
RNP Refinery,
Yugoslavia FCC
Complex, BTX Aromatics Extraction-Sulfolane, Crude, Platforming, Tank
farm, off sites.
BLOC.6 FCC Complex process units commissioning, start-up, shakedown
and optimisation with the joint venture Foster Wheeler, Texaco, UOP and
subcontractors. Process
Design: Plot
plan reviews. Process equipment Nomenclature. PID (Process and
Instrumentation Diagrams) reviews & redesigns. Process and Mechanical
manuals review. Safety procedures definition. Fire fighting and safe
handling equipment and substances. Emergency procedures and first aid in
case of exposure to toxic substances. Planning and setting objectives. Process
Engineering: Troubleshooting,
supervision & turnarounds of FCC
Complex, Sulfolane, Crude, Platforming, Tankfarm, Off sites. Commissioning / start-up planning/emergency procedures/systems
priorities/Performance Tests. Plant
Modifications: Fuel
oil/ LPG/ Flare redesigns. Compressors and turbines selection. Portable
radio system installation. Hazardous and flammable gases indicator's
system design. Hydro testing systems design. New flare capacities check up
and it's adjoining into an existing plant System. Tank farm safety
problems solutions. Alkylation’s
safety aspects. Different FCCU
Designs; technical evaluations, maintaining and developing labor force,
human interrelations. Knowledge of instructional techniques, personnel
management, recruitment and administration. Procurement: Procurement
organization & Purchasing & Expediting &Material Control &
Inspection. Equipment, sensitive equipment and instrumentation storage
organization. FCC/HTU
catalysts selection and purchasing. Honeywell TDC
2000 instrumentation selection &Total distributed control principle
incorporation in FCCU design. Different FCCU designs; economic Evaluations
& TEXACO design with double risers-max.Gasoline or diesel yields
selection. Project Budgeting, Cost control and Forecasting. BLOC.6 FCC Complex process units comprised: Aromatics Extraction-Udex & Sulfolane - UOP,
Unit) EDELEANU Platforming - UOP HTU
(TEXACO Merox - UOP CO Boiler - LENTJES Claus Unit [SRU] COMPRIMO ARU (Amine Regeneration Unit) -
TEXACO SWS (Sour Water Striper - TEXACO CDU (Crude Distillation Unit) UOP, Russian Design Vacuum Unit - Russian, Romanian Fuel gas & Flare - UOP Conducted programme of Supervisors and panel operators training, locally, in UK&USA. Responsible for 400 personnel. 1981 – 1982
RNP Refinery,
Yugoslavia Procurement, material control, inspection, performance testing Budget of 10,000,000 US$.
1978 – 1981 RNP Refinery,
Yugoslavia Member of team during preliminary discussion with
engineering companies
(Foster Wheeler, Texaco, UOP) about conceptual design
for BLOC.6 FCC Complex
process units.
Contracts drafting, negotiation and management. II Phase RNP Expansion
Program-FCC Complex Coordination. Project
budget of 70,000,000 US$
1975 – 1978
RNP Refinery,
Yugoslavia Around the clock support to unit operations, shutdowns, and troubleshooting. Monitoring and analyzing the plant technical performance including feed quality, product yields and quality specifications, operating conditions, equipment performance and economics. Carried out HAZOP studies with operations and safety personnel, for critical activities such as plant modifications, start up and shutdown procedures. Specialist for UDEX-aromatics extraction & HTU, Platforming, Sulfolane Introduction from Oil Refinery Rijeka, Tetra Ethylene Glycol (TEG) extraction, Liquid-liquid extraction triangular diagrams, Asymmetric Rotating disk (ARD) extractor, HYDEAL etc. studies and experiments, Replacement of TEG with different solvents Tetra, Sulfolane, etc. in UDEX unit in refinery Pancevo. Process and mechanical project design of UDEX Unit TEG solvent replacement with Tetra & Sulfolane.