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Hi! Welcome to my homepage. Please bare with me as I'm just learning to do html.

This Webpage mean's alot to me and first off before doing anything else. I want to "Thank" some one very important to me. Her name is "PJ", She has been a very big help and a wonderful friend. Thanks Sis, Love Ya!! PJ's Site

I have always been in love with my wood and the trees that make what I make possible.

Now when I see old discarded things, unlike before, I try to incorporate it into what Im doing.

I believe all wood has a history and if it could talk, they would tell amazing stories!

"Picture an oak table", telling you about the days it stood proud as a tree in a meadow, keeping the elements off settlers as they ate and slept, on their way west.

Or maybe a "maple tree" giving it's syrup for one of the first thanksgivings in this country.

Re-using wood I do believe not only gives the things I make a future... but also a past..

Soon to come,a little about myself here

My Art Gallery


Barney & Pooh Wooden Puzzle's

My Boot's

My Hat

My Wooden Toy's

MY Bookmarks

If you should have any question's or idea's about anything on my page. Please email me, by clicking on the Mail button below.

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All Graphics Copyright Brith-Marie Wärn, 1996

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