The 1st Year Biology site

This site was built by 1st year Biology students from the Tel-Aviv University.

Our guiding principle is to remain lucid, sane and independent individuals that do not bend when one of the tutors has a bad day.

We come to the University in order to Learn and extend our knowledge, but often we encounter an unhealthy attitude from the guiding hands (i.e. The Prof.'s, Dr.'s, Mr and Mrs.'s that teach us). An attitude that forces some of us to turn into non thinking, grade_o_philliacs that do not care for the process of learning.

That irritates us. And as an old man once said, and we quote: "If you can't beat them, blow them up". we choose to blow you and your ill fitted ways in our own special, spirit preserving ways.

Now let's get down to business, via this wonderful site, any student can find the following things.

  • Reconstruction of questions from certain tests.
  • Translations to Hebrew of tests from around the globe.
  • Links to other sites, both Hebrew and English, that provide more material.
Now before you go in,please pay attention to the following stuff.
  • Due to different screen sizes, the fonts may be too large, and they can be altered by pressing "ctrl+[" or "ctrl+]".
  • If the hebrew lines are mixed up... then you can decrease font size and change the display window size by moving the vertical line that tells the windows apart.( this will make the left window smaller).
  • Should you encounter any trouble feel free to contact us by E-mail.
  • And most important of all.... tell your fellow biology students about this site!!!!.
Now, go on in and Enter
the site and if you do not want to you can Leave now.