The Gallery of Smarm The TS Gallery of Smarm

Last Updated: June 13, 1998
To see a summary of changes made in the latest update, use the "New Acquisitions" link.


Welcome to Kitty and Cat1's Gallery of Smarm! We've set out on a mission to capture all our favorite scenes from The Sentinel. You know, the smarmy ones! The good stuff, the places where you've worn all the oxide off your tapes by freeze-framing them. Those scenes. (What is smarm? If you don't know, check out Kitty's definition here.)

The results of our odyssey can be found below. We've braved the wilds of gamma correction, histogram shifting, the mystery of the extender cable and other such arcane arts in order to bring you the finest TS smarm captures available!

Click on the links below to enter the Gallery. Comments are very welcome! Contact us HERE.


How to use this site: Our Galleries will take a long time to load, but we've done our best to make this survivable. You should be able to scroll up and down the gallery page and read all the descriptions of the pictures while you wait for the thumbnails to appear. You should also be able to click on a picture outline that interests you and see the full size photo even if the thumbnail hasn't loaded yet. If you want to download pictures for your own leisurely perusal, the best way to do it is to click on the thumbnail to get the full size picture. Then use the "save" command on your browser to save the picture to your own computer. Feel free to put these pictures on your own web sites. Geocities would be much happier if you made a copy in your own directory instead of linking to our copy, though. Thanks!

Technical info: All these framegrabs were taken by Kitty and Cat1, using the Snappy we share. They're all in JPG format. Clicking on the thumbnail will always give you the largest version of the pictures we've got. Sometimes this means we have a full screen picture, other times we have a much smaller one. It just depends on what computer we were using. Only one of our two computers can handle the full size shots.

The quality of the pictures varies a lot, depending on how good our tape of the particular episode was. We've also cropped these pictures to get rid of tracking artifacts or just to make them nicer to look at, so some of them may not be exactly like the frame you saw in an ep. Because of the cropping, they're not quite standard sizes; each one is a little different. We've also fussed with the brightness and gamma correction on most of them; the image you see here is the clearest one we could squeeze out of our source. Some of them may still be a little dark or fuzzy, but hey, if we put it up, we think the picture is still worth gazing at!


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