Written by Style Wager & Greg Older
There have been
Well, after tinkering with this for several months, it is now here: The Dela the Hooda Home Page and Online Comic.
If you have never heard of the Dela the Hooda comic before, don't be discouraged. Few have. Dela first appeared out of the crazed imaginations of a pair of gamer/fantasy buffs who also happen to be "furry" fans and amateaur cartoonists. The first scetches appeared in 1989 as a collaberation but soon Mr. Wager was off running with a plentitude of gags involving the misadventures of a fantastical sentient vixen (a hooda--a female hood from Mr. Older's fantasy realm of Mhar). The early strips though were, well, rather raunchy (not untypical of a graduating high school art student) and went downhill from there...
After four years of limited circulation among a selected few and a couple of rough scans being circulated without the artist's control, "Dela the Hooda" is back as an Online comic. This time there a little more content and continuity and less... you know what we mean.
With a fresh start and new strips, we present Dela the Hooda!
Style Wager currently resides in Toronto. Though he is an antropormorphic artist (read that as a "furry" artist) much of his work is largely unknown except for a small number commissioned pictures that now grace YIFFCO Data base. Despite the label of "Spooge Artist", he is currently seeking to expand his market into more general art and comics. His time is somewhat limited these days and has little time to accept commisions (but this varies).
Greg Older currently resides outside Ottawa. Though a furry fan, his real passion is writing fantasy and RPGs. Two RPGs are in the works for future release: Mhar Fantasy and Mhar The Final Frontier. Incidently, Dela is from the MFF universe which was originally created as a backdrop to her identity (cool eh?). Though he once wrote and drew a comic in high school and at university (called "It isn't Easy Being Punk") he is not a professional artist and does not do commisions (so why ask?).
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Mess 'o Links
Here are a number of links to fine Online Comics that helped inspire a couple of maniacs to get webbed.
Site maintained by Pete "Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious" Boddy
Site Contents Copyright © 1997 Style Wager and Greg Older.
This FurRing
site is owned by Greg Older.
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