Scott Carlton's Home Page
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- Fine Arts Photography (this page may take a while to
load ... but I promise I'll keep working to speed things
up for the future!) new
- Pitfall Trap Notes: a method of installing pitfall traps quickly and easily.
- Organic Farming and
Gardening -- I've just posted a design for an
early-season Growhouse -- an inexpensive (I think)
cold frame which you can construct from pvc piping. It's
not too big, but the design is flexible and you can
extend it by simply adding sections. Right now it's a
draft version, but take a look and maybe even let me know
what you think. It's been a while now and I haven't heard from anyone about this... has anyone given it a try??
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Herbs -- Both Tasty and
- Writing -- Articles, Essays, and the
Occasional Poem, plus, of course my resumé(s) -- sure! Give a holler!
- Graphics Arts -- Desktop
Publishing. As an example see our "A Paradigm of
Life and Work in Community Services."
- Spiders! the merest beginning ... but I
hope you will enjoy and find useful my preliminary list
of The Spider Species of Maine.
- Meditation and Guided
Imagery -- check out these sample meditations taken from our up-coming book: Moments
of Healing, Places of Peace!
- Genealogy: Carlton Family History -- the Maine Part. New family
records. Update: I have continued the Maine effort and have made, I think, significant additions. I have not yet posted them here for a couple of reasons, chief of which is that I keep finding my information spread all over the web ... without credit. Now, I'm not a glory junkie, but if you "borrow" something from somewhere, please let other folk know where you stole, er, borrowed it from! Additionally, there are too many people out there who are cluttering up the web-ways with "private" or "living" entries which, without any additional information, simply confuse the issue of moving beyond, say, 1920 with anyone's family relationships. I continue to scrupulously avoid "subscription" sites on the internet (make a note, et. al.!)and that's turned out to be quite the little clique "guarding" the genealogical portals. In any event, if you want to know what's new, how about giving me an e-holler!
What I have provided is new and forms an
addition to Ron Carlton's fabulous effort! Check out his
web site: !
Some Favorite (and useful!) Links
- LifeWorks -- This site is now the core
location for LifeWorks ... Ayurvedic Medicine, Violence
Prevention, and much of the same great info as before.
And don't be shy about taking the included
- Earth
Alert (formerly
Earth Week) all the details of what's happening to Mother
- Michael Moore's Southwest School of Botanical
Medicine --
GREAT site for herbal info! Technical but understandable;
lots of image files and links to other herbal works.
- Johnny's Selected Seeds -- A tremendous source of
vegetable, flower, and herb seeds... on-line catalog.
Lots of other useful links, too.
- Interactive Weather Information
Network -- by
NOAA, the "Official" version! Check out their
alerts, radar pics, the whole thing! Good site.
- NewHeavenNewEarth -- from Sedona, Arizona! What
more need be said? This is a great site for information
of all sorts and the links library they maintain is
really wonderful! A definite bookmark!
- Bill's Lighthouse Getaway -- If you're an erstwhile
romantic and have had fantasies about being a lighthouse
keeper on some winter-storm-wind-swept island, then
Bill's is the place to be!
- Ok... so now on to even more links.
Electronic mail address
Web address
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Naturalphotos. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and, should you
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Wallpaper image: "Gaia" Photograph,
... Scott Carlton, © 1990
Page contents © Scott
Carlton, 1998, all rights reserved.
Last revised: July 19, 1999