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wonderful world of "Jacobs' World".
This GeoCities version of Jacobsworld has been overhauled as WWW.JACOBSWORLD.COM which has more content. This site is no longer updated
(Some of these sites are framed versions
& require a frames-capable browser!)
Cartoons, Humour, Writings

The Official Reuven Jacobs (Jr 1) Website

The Official Immanuel Jacobs (Jr 2) Website

NEW!!! An Oslo Parable (political satire inspired by Dr. Seuss!)

An alternative view of Ramat Beit Shemesh, our former Home in Israel!
Note: This link only points to the older version on Geocities which has not been maintained since 2002!

The Chametz Hunters' Club Website

An alternative view of the Holiest Place on Earth!
Satire on Jewish life - ancient and modern
UPDATED 8/2001! Everything the Shadchan Wouldn't Tell You...
Jewish Learning
Jewish Book World
Jewish/Judaica Book reviews
Here's Looking At You, Cat! An unfinished concept page
UPDATED 2005!!! Fun with Daleks...
Official Michael & Tamara Shira Jacobs
Wedding Souvenir Site
Favourite Links - now undergoing update and major reconstruction!
What is Jacobs' World?
Email Us!
A Jacobs' World Website
All content (c) 1999 - 2005, Michael & Tamara Jacobs