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  Greenfairy saves the world too coming soon.....
                         This is a site about many things  it has the basic principals of herbal magic  ,
how to create a sucessful WISH, .Spell methods and rituals ....
it has information on fairys and links to sites ...
it has  instructions on creating fairy gardens ... Links to great sites for Adults and children alike ... and behind every icon is poems or words of wisdom to inspire ... THE MORE YOU LOOK THE MORE YOU WILL FIND......                                                                                      

The world has become a progressivly less hospitable place to fairies . (As you are probably are aware every time some one claims " I DON'T BELIEVE IN FAIRYS" (you mustn't read this out aloud) another fairy dies... How any one would want to be a party to murdering fairys is beyond me (and Greenfairy which is why we are here)... Fairys are a way of expressing our true spiritual selves and our connection to the universe. READ,READ, READ    


 Magic is about self belief, standing out side the square. Not following the crowd but also not condeming those that need constant confirmation of who they are and feel secure in fitting in Magic and wishing is about challenging your own preconcieved limits. About identifying who you are and that you are the only person holding yourself back. Rituals, wishing and magic are ceremonies designed by yourself to confirm your want or need  You can pick and choose until you find a faith (religion) that doesn't inconvenience you, put you out or make any demands you aren't prepared to follow through... Nature can not compromise, you either slot in or if not this generation, the next will suffer... We cannot control the tides, we can not control the sun coming up, and yet we believe ourselves to be all high and mighty... These powers are owned by the Ohm of the Earth and we are entitled to share and use their power. But we should do so with grace, appreciation and above all remember to be HUMBLE. FORGIVEN by A.A. MILNE
Regrettably people are simply no longer believing in themselves or the power they possess, and are raising their children to embrace modern technology  as if this fickle nonsense could last the earth for the rest of her days.  These new ways are destroying the good that all 'fairy folk' have been sworn to protect , embrace and love .FAIRY FREEDOM Fairy Peace
       Children no longer sing for the fairies to dance  or look for their rings left from creating magic  , the children have almost all but forgotten how to wish ... Could this all be attributed to  parents forgetting to pass on the hope and love important to keeping fairies alive or was something more sinister at play here ? Could MODERN TECHNOLOGY be the killer of the creative force... Subliminly and insidiously programing how we think, our value system,and where our priorites lie. Take a look at the power of advertising... .... LATIN PHRASES TO AID YOUR WISHES

People have forgotten the practice and the importance of magic  , they have even forgotten the power of wishing , not the cut the cake and make a wish  , the true wishing with your soul , with every pore of your body ,visualising  the wish with every breath and the rituals that go along with this . Sending out your energy into the world and asking of it what you need... Turn off your T.V., throw out your clothes covered in labels (when you think about it why pay good money to advertise some one elses label??!!)and reclaim your right to individual thought, individual expression. TRUELY FIND AND BE YOURSELF

Greenfairy hopes that with this page she can reach some of you before it is to late  .... 





    There are of course the fairies of the four elements... The Earth , The Air ,Water and Fire . They all have different ways of achieving their spells . Most of the herbs have been given thier elements as to which method of appropriate .... ' Click' on the links below to  find Spell Methods .... But remember that only you can know the best way to  achieve your own magic .... this is a guide .... Listen to you heart , allow your own energy to tell you what is needed,  Don't be afraid to listen to your own vibrations , after all we are just a small part of the  larger OHM                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .

    The  Earth Spell  The Water Spell
    The  Fire Spell The Air Spell
    other spells and rituals Fairy lovers links 
    Latin words and phrases Remember your Friends
    Reason for Rituals The Philosophy of OHM
    The Fairy gardening sites are under construction ... But take a look and make suggestions...   
      Fairy Gardening Water features
    Height of plants Rockeries
    Annuals and Perennials Ambience

     Please 'CLICK' on any icons you may see around the place .... They contain poems for children and adults alike  the 'moon'  icon contains links to great graphics sites where alot of my pictures were obtained ... The more you explore this site the more you will find . Choose your own Fairy Adventure Story coming soon.... This site is in constant construction so keep in touch . Any  Suggestions greatly appreciated - E-mail below  . And may fairy peace shine on you and all your wishes come true . xxxxxx



    May the Fairy Force be with You

    Don't forget to sign the GUESTBOOK all your comments are valued - and make sure you 'click' on any icons you may see...

     I really do believe in fairies and so should you

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    Every Child has the Basic RIGHT to Grow Up in a SAFE AND LOVING ENVIROMENT

    One hundred years from now ,
    it will not matter what car I drove,
    what kind of house I lived in,
    how much money I had in my bank account
    nor what my clothes looked like.
    BUT the world may be a little better because I was important in the life of a child

    Always remember children are our futures...their minds are like sponges, soaking up all that they come across...protect and love them... as they should be...