Welcome to the Coffee Bar. 

If you have any questions or would like to know more about what I'm planning and doing at the moment, please email me.
Thanks for visiting!







Austin rocks my world. This Jersey grrl *ahem* honorary Texan had the good fortune to live here for 6 years.
austingrrls: Are you an austingrrl?
Austin Poetry Slam: I miss this soooo much. It's right up there with the Sunday morning huevos rancheros and margaritas.
Yahoo! Austin
Austin 360: "THE city site for Austin."
The Austin Chronicle: Similar to NYC's Village Voice.

I majored in Political Science at BU and graduated in 1997.
Boston University
Yahoo! Boston

I am not such a huge X-Phile anymore, but I still covet my autographed poster & pics . . .
The X-Files
The X-Files Adventure
The Gillian Anderson Website!
Dean Haglund's Home Page

Ani Tabs: Now you can play like Ani!!

The Now Official Concrete Blonde Website: Dedicated to one of the best Rock & Roll bands on the planet. Group Therapy now available!!

Check out my law school:
Hofstra University School of Law



This page is ©2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 by stylar@geocities.com. All Rights Reserved. Images were either created by the author or used with permission, and no copyright infringement or abuse was intended. This page may not be reproduced in part or as a whole without express permission of the author.

Last updated in 2007 when I should have been studying for the NJ bar.
Created around the end of 1997.