Image:~Jackie Clements 1998~
Taken from one of my Bryce2 3D images.
"Where would we be without the dreamers of the world --
the ones who took the time to balance on the edge of

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by Jackie Clements
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Computer Image's by Maggie
Adobe Photoshop & Bryce 2
Lake Applets by Maggie
Joined the Lake Applet Ring February 1999
Go take a look-see..thanks!
Clock requires Netscape

View my old Guestbook 1999-2000
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Thank you!

Before me I see a path.Its A familiar path,with familiar smells,cool and inviting. I feel feet walking on the path.Its a pleasure to touch the dirt.I hear the winged ones sing their evening song,The rock people greet me as I step in them and I listen to each of their lessons.
The round rocks bring me the knowledge of smoothness-The ability to roll with things.I hear the words--clearer and clearer: " When life is rough, we roll gently,tumbling to and fro on the terrain.Once we were sharp ones.Once we had points and edges.But as the terrain became our way, we became smooth. Now we simply roll along, bumping and spinning and turning and bouncing.
"It's easy", the smooth one says. " the way of the smooth rocks is easy: Take these lessons with you and when you see us, always remember that it's easy."
I hold one of them in my hand.It is orange.I feel the orange color-the earth in my hand-the many, many years of rolling across the terrain.I keep that in mind, that smooth,round,orange rock.I continue to walk as the rock people speak...... ( Rainbow Medicine: Wolf Moondance)

For you..j.m.
EMAIL: maggie!!

© 1997 jkc@aros.net
