apt-sources is a nice little tool written by Danny Rodriguez which downloads from debian.org a list of current Debian mirrors, tests the mirrors for bandwidth and writes a /etc/apt/sources.list based on the results. There are two binary versions of the package available here, one for potato and one for woody (linked against different versions of libc6) and the source packages.

Any comments about this package should come to me Stephen Stafford or the author Danny Rodriguez. All comments will be looked at and taken into consideration for subsequent version.

Comments specifically about packaging should come to me (Stephen Stafford) and comments about the code and functionality should come either to me or to Danny (if to me then I will forward them to Danny).

I hope you find this package as useful as I do.

To comply with geocities rules concerning filenames all these files are gzipped. To uncompress them run 'gunzip <filename>'.

woody/sid version apt-sources_2.0-1_i386.deb.gz (linked against libc6 2.2.1-2)

potato version apt-sources_2.0-1_i386_potato.deb.gz (linked against libc6 2.1.2)

source package (3 files)




This software is copyright (c) 2001 By Danny Rodriguez

You are free to distribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL