Dawn of Time Crafts
Below are some examples of our work. Please not that these pictures show only a very small selection of our work. If you are interested in any particular item please don't hesitate to contact us.
Click on any image for a larger version of the picture.
Ivor and Simone Lawton
(Note: All helmets come ready to wear with leather webbing and felt liner)
Late Roman Helmet from Augst, Switzerland, 3rd-4th Cantury.
Undecorated helmet of Vendel/Valsgärde type, 6th-8th
Decorated helmet from Vendel, Sweden, 7-8th century.
Conical helms, 9-12th century. Top Row, left to right:
12th century Norman 'phyrigian' helm ; 11th century Eastern European Great
Helm; 12th century Norman 'phyrigian' helm. Bottom Row, left to right:
11-12th century one-piece conical helm; 9-11th century four-piece conical
helm; 11-12th century one-piece conical helm.
Conical Helms, 9-11th Century. Left to right: Simple
four piece Conical Helm, 9-11th century; Four piece conical helm mith decorative
eyebrrows and mai aventail, 9-11th century; One-piece conical helm 11-12th
Anglo-Saxon and Viking Helmets, 9-12th century. Top
Row: left - Four piece conical helm mith decorative eyebrrows and mai aventail,
9-11th century; right - Four-piece conical helm with cheekflaps, 11-12th
century. Bottom Row, left to right: Simple four piece Conical Helm, 9-11th
century; Spectacle helm from Gjermundbu, Norway, 9-10th century; One-piece
conical helm 11-12th century.
Germanic/Celtic sandals, 1-5th century.
Viking boots from England and the Continent 9-11th
Early Medieval boots from York, 9-12th century.
Complete Costumes
We are moving to Germany, new contact address soon.
Angelcynn Anglo-Saxon living history 400-900AD
Regia Anglorum - Anglo-Saxon, Viking and Norman Living History 950-1066AD
Page created 13th August 1997
Last updated 18th September 1997