Greetings, if you are a newcomer, welcome to my site. If you've been to any of my sites in the past, thanks for coming back.
As always we, at Contents Under Pressure are giving away stickers. I hope that caught yer eye. Please send a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to:
Contents Under Pressure
Post Office Box 655
Bronx, New York 10465-0620
Also, make sure your address is printed legibly and refrain from tagging on the envelopes. You'd be amazed how many people do this.
Anyone interested in trading graf video's? I've got Videograf #1 and The Bomb! from So. Cali. Email me or write to the address above.
New For Macintosh Users: Here is a program i made that will change the startup screen from the faces to the flaming apple logo. download it
We are also looking for submissions for the Contents Under Pressure Website/Magazine. We need flix, sketches, letters, info, stickers, flyers, tags, spraypaint, old Power PC's, and anything else you want to send. Please keep the naked pictures of your mom to a minimum, and please refrain from sending the naked pictures of your dog. Submit your shit and get it seen by millions around the globe.
On the DL: Issue #2 of c.u.p. is out. Send $2 U.S. (cash or blank money order) and 3 stamps per copy to the adress above. Delivery will take about 2 weeks (maybe less, probably not more). A limited number of copies of issue #1 are still available (same price).
Issue Number three will be the first issue printed on a press (No more xerox) if all goes well. Cover = 2 color, inside still BW. Should be about the same price too.
An update from C.U.P.: We are in the process of finding and setting up with a new web server. We got kicked of our old one and have been homeless ever since. Except for the few people who know how to connect to our network. So we shall be back up and running in no time. With more flix, possibly a new international page, more sketches, more info, and just cool stuff.
Here's the new banner. Feel free to display it on your web site with a link back to this page.
Ride The Mindwave,

Graphic Design & HTML Programming By Hired Hand ProductionsHosting provided by Geocities Copyright © 1997