AlteredState Imaging
for all your graphics needs
One of the experiments I conducted while working on that Degree ended up being published in a respected scientific journal- that of the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep. It was only one of scores of experiments I conducted using the facilities of the Sleep Laboratory but it was the only one that was recognized by professionals in the field. You can read the Monograph of my experiment, using Kirlian Photography to explore the differences between waking, REM and Non-REM sleep states, here:
Psi-Applications: A non-profit, California
based research and archival organization. I handle the Psi-side of things
while my friend and founder of Psi-App, Steve Moreno, is into the whole
UFO/Gov coverup thing.
The White Crow Society: An international Psi-crisis intervention organization. Professional investigators on-call around the world looking into Hauntings/PK/Possession/Fortean phenomena
I also co-edit the On-line Newsletter of the Society; "As
the Crow Flies"
I've been bitten by the "writing bug" recently and was compelled to write and post a number of fictional and autobiographical short stories.
One of the cool people I've met on the Net is Sue who has written some extremely captivating and thought provoking fiction. Check her work out….she's witty, insightful, humourous, ironic, downright warped and scary and she's beautiful to boot! J
Having been an avid photographer all my adult life, I combined that and my newly found computer graphics skills to form my own small business. The name reflects both, my interest in Altered States and the fact that I "alter" the "state" of images in order to fulfill the needs of my customers. Ok, so I just like the nameJ
Speaking of photography, here's a special Java-heavy "photocube" I played around with…check it out if you have the time.
RPM Gallery of Dreams and Weirdness
Here's where I leave no doubt that there is a warped sense of humor trapped in my head, screaming for recognitionJ
Basically, the gallery is an outlet for my artistic talents…however humble they may be. I take photos from my albums and then digitally alter them to fit whatever experience/vision I have to express. This is also the home of Isis the WonderCat…gotta love that 500lb ghostkitty!
Sponsored by the "God of Goth" hisownself, Marcus Pan Marcus is one overachiever, you've GOT to check out his site. From the latest "dancing baby" downloads, to the longest running Fantasy/Fiction E-zine on the Web, "Legends", his site is a place you can get lost in for hours.
"Ask Psiguy": In "Legends" E-zine, Pan has allowed me the priviledge of writing a "Dear Abby" column for the Paranormal called "Ask Psiguy".
LINKS to everything from Hubbles latest spacepics to the all things interesting and strange!
For those with a need to know.