Hello. Who Let You Out? I decided to set up this page as I decided there was too much high quality art on the web.
I felt there was a gap to be filled in the slapdash, bad street artist - "caricature for five pounds, miss?" - end of the market and as I enjoy painting though have no talent whatsoever, this page was born. I can assure you that Wilde was right about my art.
"Painting is the only art that can be practised without either talent or hard work" - George Orwell
Who is to say what is bad art? If Picasso had painted what appears below in my gallery they would be worth millions. But they're not.
At one point I found myself standing before an oil of a horse that I figured was probably a self-portrait judging by the general execution - Peter De Vries
The Monkey Wing of the Gallery
The Oysters Wing of the
The Hall of Shame
- a wing of the gallery devoted to the Bad Art of others.
I am offering a free painting service for anyone who'd like to send a photograph of their dog, cat, wife etc. Just attach any standard graphics format file (e.g. jpeg, gif)to an email:
E-mail me now!
Having seen my artwork thus far how could you resist?
Visit my friend Kirstin's marvellously arty page
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