We could be embarrassed to have fallen so far behind - but we are not. So don't get pissy.
Good things at the Guggenheim. The public returns to the Salon. Long overdue. I was fortunate to tour the show with a true motorcycle rider - not an artiste wannabe. While I looked at the lines of design, my friend inspected the lack of a fork or the poor placement of the seat. I didn't know about the fork, and was glad to hear of the novelty in doing without. But where does my knowledge of function impede the appreciation of the art? I, am of course, leading into the flavor of the moment . . . enjoy.
Okay, our demerit system is simple: 1 demerit is reserved for fluff - that stuff which could have been good if some craftsmanship was employed OR get over those "graduate-school-don't-stretch-that-canvas-just-hang-it blues." 5 demerits is reserved for those times when everything on the walls is trash - too much energy, too little product. Most often seen at the Whitney Museum of American Art on the Restaurant Level. 10 demerits is reserved for the Emperor's New Clothes - just another art hoax perpetrated on the public by the prima donnas of the art world - be they the critics or the artists themselves; and, a hoax which everyone has bought into. Most literally. Most often seen at the blue chip galleries in SoHo and Chelsea and in the modern wing at the Met. Happy Hunting.
If you would like to offer your comments or send us off with our post-its for some public service work, we are always interested. While we have no time to create the promised Graffiti Board, we are happy to correspond if moved to reply.
This month's Flavor? Robert Gober. Warning: reading always required.
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