A New Land to Dream In

Mhaijik has wandered away from the sad streets of a Ghost town and found a whole newRealm to Explore...! Mayhap she will smile. 1999 - ; D ; D : D : D she did, but as life moves on so did she....

Hello. My name is Mhaijik. I was born some time ago, in a world called WorldsAway. It *was* a wonderful place filled with kindness, fun and amusing avatars, but alas a great sadness fell upon that world, and many started to leave. The sadness caught up with me in October 1997. I no longer venture into that quiet land of shadows, memories and ghosts, it just all got buried in the sadness [sigh]. In that world of my birth, I learned I had a 'gift' to read Tarot. This 'gift' I hope to still share in my home here. [smile]. As I have wandered about, I have found many refugees from my old home in this Realm. Some of you have new names, if I do not recognize you /t me, it is I, the one and only ever Mhaijik. I do still write my odd poems, but until I discover a method of 'reading' them here that does not require all the typing, I can only share the *short* ones, [smile]. So until next, take care, giving is always best.

  • This is the infamous Acolyte Z.... Real Life.... hmmmm *soft smyle*, this is not me, da 'majik vampire' but those who know of the story of she -vs- me, well, will understand... oh pics of me ? ? LOL ! hmmmm maybe on my EQ page, I put some in *g*......
  • Ahhhh, it is now 2001, 2002 soon will be here, *SO* much has happened..... I need a whole new site for it all *weg* Mhaijik is free now and happy.... wow... so no poems lately at all.... *g*....... I left Realm in 1999 basically when Mhaijik found majik for real in real life.... woot!!! It does exist 'trust me'...... I now live in a land called EverQuest.... a very wonderful captivating place so much to explore and do. I have been there 2 years now and I have not seen half of it. So I will create some new pages and link.... just in case anyone cares.... so that is coming *soon* in the words of a true programmer *G*.... but now my poem bidding goodbye to a fond, yet sad memory..... Happiness does exist tho.... One just sometimes finds it, where not even looking.....

    ---------/-------<@ Adieu,

    to my old world

    Eyes downcast, she glances up..... sigh...... An age and then a day, she steps forward, so close, to look inside, behind the crystals, blues and greens, windows to their souls...... sigh...... mysteries and changes, myst and shimmer...... dreams inside their eyes, her salt tear slips softly slowly silently...... sigh..... in journeying as we must, life ever moving forward, time and crowds, souls surround..... vying for attention, the paths diverge..... we choose for future visions, sigh..... standing there, with soul still bare, An age and then a day, she still can not explain, though probably does not matter..... she reaches down and gathers round, the shroud, a cloak, her mysterious mantle, sigh..... all the layers so carefully knit..... fabric of time, pain and wonder, cover upon cover, many years voluminous folds, she nestles in..... seeking shelter in the shielding robe, insulated once again, sigh..... she turns round, looking down..... so this then is adieu, changes and time, they come and flow, things never stay the same..... sigh..... An age and then a day, if in future times or distant places, you're lost again or in despair, remembering her name, to bring a smile.. to feel the care..... a thought is all it takes.....

    © mhaijik 11/1997 rev.

  • Here is my *EQ* world..... But I have since moved on again **LOL**
  • Here is my new web page
  • Here is where to join me ^;;^
  • Welcome to my new house

    This is my Living Room, A Nice warm Fire

    And my room, starting to look like my old place already...!

  • For my Poems, Art, Creations and Me now ....
  • Second Life Pics pg 1....
  • Second Life Pics Pg 2....
  • Darque vampire


    Art borrowed from

    Sierra OnLine Games, 1996,97,98

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