Body art can include (but is not limited to) tattoos, piercings, branding, scarification, foot-binding, cinching, and more!See pictures of our members
We are a group of people into body art, both those who have art and those who are interested in it. We use the free electronic service of PlanetAll to meet, keep in touch and share ideas.
There are two simple steps to get connected and get our latest information:
- Sign up free to Planet All
- Connect to our Planet All group, "Body Art".
The sign up process takes 5-10 minutes.
This is a free, open group to exchange ideas, support and experiences in the art of body modification. The use of Planet All ensures the integrity of the contact list and allows varying levels of privacy for its users.
- Follow the simple, step-by-step procedure to join Planet All at
- Login to PlanetAll using the name and password from the first step.
- Select "Groups", then "Join a Group".
- Enter key words of "Body Art" and press "Search".
- Put in the year of your first body mod. Press "Join".
- You do not have to select any of the individuals of the list as contacts. You will still be linked to them through the general list. You can link to them individually later. (Linking to them individually will list each name seperately in your Planet All personal address book.)
Bod Mod Men: Group for men into body art (piercing, tattoos, scarring, branding, etc), both those who have a body mod and those who are interested in it. Over 18 only! (Personal Group)
Tattoos and Body Piercing Professionals:
Dedicated to body modifications in various forms.
Correspondence via E-Mail may include but is not limited
to technique, procedure, instruments and tools used.
Anyone interested is welcome. Houston, Texas
(Professional Organization)
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