Welcome all fellow visitors !!! Explore My personal homepage with Stunning Personal Computer Graphics ever Created. It's worthy.
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I already have the Site Fights Approval award and the Spirit Stick and yet I've won the first and the second round of the tournament.Now, I'm advancing to the knights Arena and met even toughter knights. Thank to all who supports. As a knight, I wish to get to the top of the tournament ring. I'm now ready to fight and hope to makes more friends. Let's shout it loud !! Please spend a little time to vote for my site if you think my site is worthy to win. Thank you and I will appreciate for all your support. To vote for me, please press on tne banner to go directly to the Knights Arena. Please support my site.
On behalf of all the Site Fights competitor. I would like to wish them all the best and will knights spirit be with you. Everyone seems to be working very hard making friends, signing guestbook, cheering and designing their homepage. Well, they were all worthy, I will vote for everyone as I'm a friendly person that I would help anyone that needed. I would also appreciate those who vote for my site. You would not know how much your vote means to me.
Not only the Site Fights let us makes more friends but by then we were also get to know the world. I'm not living in US but in Asia. I haven been to US before but I've met friends there and see their work. I can feel how the people there without really seing their face. They have lots of thought to share with me by e-mail, signing guestbook and chatting in IRC. So I'm a great member of the Site Fights.
While we were Fightin' for Fun, Let's the Friendship Begun.
This is a NEW and wonderful site filled with personal digital graphics and from various artist. CHAT ROOM available too for special discussion on graphics designing and what else. FUN !!